Private Yoga and Pilates session

1 hour

Private Yoga and Pilates session
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Imagine indulging in your very own private yoga or pilates session immersed in the peppermint trees, mother nature filling the silence with her special sounds, the birds joining in.

Vinyasa yoga and pilates instructor, Mackenzie Cook has taught at multiple studios in Perth and now teaches privately in the beautiful South West region.

....Mackenzie says 'yoga and pilates literally changed my life for the better so this is why I teach! I want to be able to help others and give them the opportunity to have the same experience that I did! This is my passion, so you can guarantee that I will pour my heart and soul into every session with you'....

About The Host
Mackenzie Cook yoga and pilates instructor

Mackenzie Cook yoga and pilates instructor

At the start of 2019 I had an unfortunate incident which led me to having a compound fracture in my spine and a completely torn ligament in my vertebrae! Not knowing if I was going to be able to walk again, as you can imagine, felt like the end of the world. 

It wasn’t until I had a complete mindset change that my entire reality begun to sparkle. After being in a back brace for 3 and a half months I was feeling completely fine because I told myself I was! It wasn’t until my sister brought me along to her studio that I discovered Pilates and Yoga! After my first class I was hooked! I technically wasn’t allowed back at work for another 2 weeks so instead I joined up to the studio and practised every single style of yoga and Pilates that they had on offer 1-3 times a day!!! 😅 

I fell in love with the practice and knew instantly that this was my hearts calling! I am now in the best condition I’ve ever been in and have had a 100% recovery to the point that I generally forget about the struggle that I went through!
